CS 390G, Spring 2017: Advanced Distributed and Networked Systems

This class is an advanced course in distributed and networked systems.

This course takes the form of a seminar that is based on a selection of papers that either have had a strong impact on distributed and networked systems today, or explore novel ideas that may be important in the future. The syllabus for this course will vary from year to year so as to cover a mixture of older and more contemporary papers. Contemporary papers will be generally selected from the past 5 years, primarily drawn from high quality conferences such as SOSP, SIGCOMM, OSDI, NSDI and EuroSys. Students are expected to read papers before the class, write a summary and “review” of the paper prior to class, and participate in the discussion during the class.

The course has one semester-long project that is aimed at producing a conference/workshop-quality research paper and must involve writing some software. The paper must address an open research problem. Suggested project ideas will be provided by the instructor. To get ideas for projects, please DO be courageous and read ahead in the course schedule! Your project topic is expected to be distinct from your “regular” research project. It can be related, but try to strike out a new direction that is truly distributed systems! It is highly recommended that you work in groups. Teams are suggested to be 2 to 3 students. All projects will have to submit three versions of reports (proposal, midterm, and final reports); these submissions should read like research papers (or parts thereof). Up to five “best projects” at the end of the semester will be earmarked for expedited submission to a renowned conference, with the help of the instructor's involvement even after the semester is over.

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Last updated: 2017-01-26 00:06:36 +0300